Thursday, October 28, 2010

How could she miss?

I am cursed with the recurrence of warts on my right hand, specifically on my digits. It's not very nice to look at, I feel sorry for people when I shake their hand, and it definitely does not pick up chicks. I've tried, doesn't work. Warts aren't hot.

I go to the doctor who I assume, after 6, 7 years of uni and an extra 20 years of experience, would have the skill set to burn off my wart. I was gravely mistaken. She does she dab a cotton tip of liquid nitrogen left of my wart, and blister my hand for no good reason?

It shits me to tears that I did not say anything. I knew she missed....actually I did say something. I said 'You haven't burnt my wart'. She replied 'Yes I did, it's just warmed up again so it doesn't look burnt'. She was semi telling the truth. She fondled my wart with the liquid nitrogen, but then decided it would probably help me get rid of it better if she plunged it in to a healthy spot of skin just right of it instead.

It's a pity that I like this doctor. She's really cool....just not co-ordinated. I'll go and see her again for the second burn that never should have been needed.


I usually let the wart grow until it's huge and I cannot hold a normal conversation with people outside my inside social circle as I always catch them darting their eyes to my basically mutated right hand. Before you know it the conversation is based around my wart and how disgusting it looked and it always ended with 'You should get that burnt off sometime'. No shit mate. This time I got the burn in early so it would not look hideous and I would only have to get it burned once. So the moral of this story: A stitch in time does not save nine. A stitch in time is just practice for the other nine stitches that you'll probably have to get later.

Cool story bro. Yeah I know. Your fault for getting this far. If you have gotten this far you probably have enough free time to start playing starcraft 2. I've got to go pee.

Cool story bro!

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